BU CARES Research Priority Area

Eco-Justice & Education for a Sustainable Future

Eco-Justice and Education for a Sustainable Future

Eco-justice and education are key to creating a more equitable and resilient world in the face of the climate crisis. At its core, sustainability education empowers learners to make informed decisions, take action, and create positive change. This page is a celebration of researchers, teachers, and students who are taking action in the face of earth’s decreasing habitability.

If you would like to see your work highlighted on this page, please contact us.

Stay Informed.


Farrell, A. J. (2022). The Monarch Lecture. In Re/centring Lives and Lived Experience in Education (pp. 42-52). Brill.

Karsgaard, C., Nielsen, A., Anayatova, D., & Silova, I. (2023). Review of Teaching in the Anthropocene: Education in the face of the environmental crisis. Education Review, 30. https://doi.org/10.14507/er.v30.3685

Karsgaard, C., Silova, I., Anayatova, D., Nielsen, A. (2023). Storying New Worlds: Educating to Counter Violence and Activate Alternatives to the Anthropocene. Comparative Education Review, 674-684. https://doi.org/10.1086/725634

Lam, M. (2022) Rurality, identity, and motivations for tackling climate change (or not): a duoethnography, Environmental Education Research, 28:8, 1144-1156, DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2022.2067323

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  • “I know this is a problem, but do I want to read about it before I go to bed tonight?””

    -Anonymous Participating Artist

    YouTube Exhibition

  • Storying New Worlds: Educating to Counter Violence and Activate Alternatives to the Anthropocene

    Storying New Worlds: Educating to Counter Violence and Activate Alternatives to the Anthropocene

    Book Essay Review

    Read Here

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