For Students

Are you a student interested in highlighting your work or being connected to current projects? Being part of a research project can be a great way to serve your local community, make connections, and gain academic credit for your degree. Your research will answer practical needs and further current knowledge about education in rural and Indigenous communities in Manitoba and beyond.

Ways to Get Started:


Check our current listings for Research Assistant positions. These positions are paid and are not for course credit. Working as a research assistant is a great way to get started in the world of research. BRANDON-U-JOBS


Student Service Learning. Student service learning opportunities are volunteer positions, where you receive an annotation on your transcript after 20 hours of service. Previous opportunities include a Podcast Production Technician, Workshop Coordinators, Research Analyst Interns and Community Engagement Interns. Future opportunities are shared through our membership. To learn more about how student service-learning works, please visit: BRANDON-U-OUTREACH


Finally, if you are a current student (undergraduate or graduate) at Brandon University or another institution, please consider becoming a member. Membership is free, and you are eligible to use research space and equipment as available and can participate in BU CARES activities (seminars, workshops, training, speaker series, brown bag lunches, webinars, etc.). You’ll also receive our bi-monthly updates about current projects and opportunities. BECOME A MEMBER



Student Member Faculty Member





Knowledge Mobilization Support

Become a Student Member

This category of membership includes undergraduate and graduate students who are participating in a program of training or research at Brandon University or another institution.


  • Must be a current student


  • Eligible to participate in BU CARES activities (seminars, research training, workshops, etc.)

  • Eligible to use research space and equipment as available in the BU CARES office

BU Journal of Graduate Studies in Education

This peer-reviewed journal is a great way for students to share their knowledge, and to learn from others in the field of education. You are welcome and encouraged to submit a manuscript.